Saturday, February 4, 2012

For the want of a Nail

‎"For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost. For want of a steed, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message, the war was lost."

Ever get to a place in life where you begin to wonder if the little things even matter? Don't ever think your convictions and commitments are small and insignificant. One slip leads to the next step and before you know it, you're out in left field, not knowing which way to turn and run.

You miss your daily devotion once, and a next, by the third time, its so easy just to completely disregard the drawing in your spirit as your spirit man slowly withers and dies.
You sleep in one service, you're sick the next, you are busy the third, and by the time the 4th one rolls around, its not a priority to you anymore.
Personal convictions.... is it really a heaven or hell issue? You let things slide, making all kinds of excuses to pardon your reasonings and shut up your conscience... any slight twinge of conviction you silence with more excuses until your spirit is so burnt by the burn of constant excuses any and all nerve receptacles are shut off from the voice of the Lord.

We must stand firm, and not take shortcuts. If you've self inflicted 3rd degree burns to your spirit man, step up and lettge Lord scrub away the burn layers so that He can renew the skin beneath and let growth and restoration take place.

This war that rages CANNOT be taken lightly and CANNOT be lost - for the want of a nail.

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