Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cave to Darkness or Await the Light?!

Even though clouds may battle the Sun for the sky, light is dominant. There are times the rain can block our view, but as long as we have patience to endure the storm, the sun always returns. I captured this photo via my cell last Saturday after returning from MS Ladies Conference "Refreshing". Gods majesty on display in this earth. 

You can see the cloud is casting "dark rays" of shadow as it tried to hide the sun. Mere moments passed and the Sun emerged from the other side of the cloud. There was a swift breeze blowing- much like the refreshing wind of the Holy Ghost. Be encouraged today. The dark shadows might be lingering in your life, you may be walking through a month of scattered thunderstorms or experiencing your own Mega-Storm "Sandy"... But remember: weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning! This too shall pass! Hold to the hand that created the elements- He has the power to simply SPEAK and the storms can cease. Trust his heart. His thoughts and plans are for our good and success, for an expected end. We are destined to be HIS, we just have to choose to trust Him and seek Him... Rain, Sleet, Snow or Shine. He's mine-- and I am His. 
