Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Star Light

It’s 10:45pm and I’m  sitting on the balcony of a 10th floor condo I’ve shared with my sister and brother-in-law the past 2 days. I find myself staring into the black abyss before me, searching for stars. Mind you - I’ve been inside the past little while and nearly every light (and lamp) has been on in the sitting areas, kitchen and a couple bedrooms. 
I dimmed my cell phone screen on the table and flipped it face-down. I look behind me and see lights shining out the glass doors from the room I’d just left behind. 
I go back, and one by one, turn down each light switch and kill the power to each lamp... And I walk forward, leaving the room behind and enter to the balcony. 
It wasn’t instantaneous, but slowly, while focusing my eyes and my energy forward again into the great black abyss, I see stars appearing. Miraculously combusting in outer space? No. They had been there all along... but my eyes were so used to the empowered lights behind me in the room I’d left they simply couldn’t focus forward on the light that awaited me in the sky. 

And it hit me. 

How often do we allow our eyes, energy and brain to remain focused on the things we’ve left in the past... the things we’ve empowered that we’ve put behind us, that it cripples our ability to see the promise of a beautiful light ahead? 
I don’t want to be so hung up on the things behind me that they overpower my future. 

Come on, tell me you feel it too. Maybe it’s not something huge, maybe it’s not something you feel that is drastically life changing... but maybe it is. Maybe it’s something seemingly insignificant, that we continue to allow to backlight our life, that constantly makes us loose focus or unable to see what beauty God has laid out before us. Maybe it’s fear of the black abyss that has us crippled, rendering us unable to see the promise... and all we have to do is cut. the. power. to. those. things. behind. us. 

Throw it at the foot of the cross and eliminate the paralytic blinding fear from the equation. Push forward, strain to see the light that’s shining.... 

And I promise, God won’t disappoint.