Thursday, December 10, 2015

Clean Eating Crock Pot: Peppered Pineapple Chicken

DELISH! Share around! 
*please link my blog if sharing this recipe.

A friend shared a recipe with me, and I decided to tweak it! The outcome? Delicious, and for the whole family! 

2lb Chicken Tenders (Boneless/Skinless)
4 Tbsp Apple Cider
4 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar 
2 Cups Frozen Pineapple Chunks (no sugar added) 
4 Fresh Sliced Banana Peppers
2 Tbsp Brown Mustard
Black Pepper 
Garlic Powder 

Rub Chicken with pepper and garlic powder, place in the crock pot, spread brown mustard on top. Add Banana Peppers, Pineapple and Vinegars. Cook on Low 6-8 Hours (Chicken will easily fall apart.) 

(~> My way: Serve on wheat tortilla wraps with a bed of spinach topped with feta cheese. For you 21 Day Fixers, I counted that as 1 red, 1/2 purple, 1/2 green, 1 yellow. *YUM* Adding another 1/2 green vegetable side. OTHER SERVING OPTIONS: Serve over a bed of brown rice or quinoa. Add a vegetable for a side.) 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Clean Eating Crock Pot Chicken & Spinach

You can serve this over quinoa, brown rice, wheat noodles, zucchini or spaghetti squash noodles... Or with a simple side of vegetables! The possibilities are endless! 

Hope you enjoy!!!! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 17

Todaaaaaaaaaay was a full day. :) 

I got a run in and some ab work! *yay!* 

Had my Shakeology for breakfast! 

Today I am thankful for learning opportunities. The chances we have to better ourselves, broaden our understanding, deepen our knowledge. I'm thankful for the freedom we have to learn. ❤️ 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 16

So... Today I PR'd my 5k time!!! 
My ultimate goal is to get to a 30something 5k, but it is not a "right now get it done" type goal. ;) 
Concentrating on that Marathon in January!! 
Worked the abs today. :) They on fiyah!!!! 

Today My Heart Focus is on the time I get to spend with my husband. Today I had the opportunity to work with him on a project--- even though it wasn't "romantic time" or a "date", I thoroughly enjoy just being with him. He's definitely my best friend, and I love him MUCHLY! 
I am thankful. Truly. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 15

Today I woke up more stuff and sore than I was yesterday! 😁 My challenge today was to get a workout in and make sure I run a mile---- and I did! 
My legs are ever so tight! Elevated, took some anti-inflammatory and massaged them. ;) 
I also enjoyed my Shakeology--- CHOCOLATE! ((DELISH!)) 

I am ever so ready for Thanksgiving Family Time! There's just something about slowing down and spending time with family! 

Today I am most thankful for the little moments. The fleeting moments. The ones that seem to happen so fast, yet you want them to linger. Throughout the busy day, the moments I reach for my daughters face and just keep my hand there a moment... Or the 3 seconds at a time I can gather Zayne's long self up on my lap for a hug and a honest "I love you, mama." The hand touching, head patting, hair soothing moments. In the rush and the bustle of life, let me always be mindful of these blessings. They grow up so fast, and all too soon these moments will be a faded memory. Let me ever keep it fresh. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 14

Today I woke up with the memory of what took place yesterday. *oww!* 
I am sore, seriously. *hahaha* 
I remember the trek to Mt LeConte just 4 months ago--- and thought I would look back and compare. :) 

Enjoyed Sunday School festivities this morning and our annual "Harvest Sunday" Dinner-On-The-Ground" at the church. Nothing quite like spending time with your family and church family!! 

I stopped by the gym this evening for a mile run. Regardless of how sore or how much I limped around today, I know I have to keep the streak alive! 
9:31. Tonight's run showed me without a doubt that I can be a cry baby, and that I can do much more than I will admit, at times. Hahahaha 

As I was running I thought back over the message tonight. 

Today I am thankful for hot (and cold) clean running water and most sincerely for a HOT BATH to soak sore muscles in! Sometimes we take the smallest of things for granted. I don't ever want to become so deadened to the small miracles and blessings in my life! 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 13

Today I accomplished something. 
Something big. 
I ran my first 25k. 
On the side of a small mountain. 
As I posted yesterday, this Candice chic is always getting me into these types of messes!!!!!! AND I LOVE HER FOR IT! 
She challenged me to run this 25k... 
And I did. Boom. Just like that. 

Sure, there were aches and pains, maybe a few tears, lots of growling and maybe even a little homicidal tendencies... 
But it was all fun and games. 

You are capable of so much more than you really give yourself credit for. 
Stop underestimating yourself or selling yourself short on life! 

I had quite a few opportunities for solitude on the trail today... Including the moment I fell on a downhill climb (Heeheeeheee!) and I'm thankful for it. 

It gave me the opportunity to reflect on many things... 

Today My Heart Focus is on Tranquility that only Christ can bring. 
The state of being Tranquil. 
1. Free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: a tranquil country place. 
2. free from or unaffected by disturbing emotions; unagitated; serene; placid: a tranquil life.
I am ever so thankful for the tranquility God's love can bring to ones life. You can never experience anything more powerful. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 12

Sometimes, traveling is fun. Today, maybe not so much. Hehehe! 

I postponed workouts due to my big race in the morning! Actually, less than 7 hours from now I will be standing at the start line. :) I DID, however, get a very very overly warm mile in (the thermostat was on 78 in the workout room at the hotel!) 

Wheeeeeeew!!! Sweat! 

Today, as I lay down to sleep, both nervous and excited about my first 25k Race, My Heart Focus is on...

Candice Simon. I am so very thankful for her friendship.

She challenges me to set high goals, push my mental limits, and wants me to succeed! She challenges me to be a better me -- that's the type of friends you need around!!  

Now back to this..... 25k?!?!?! 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 11

What a day! 🎉 Got my workout in this morning and was able to grab lunch at school with my darling niece!!!!! 

She's such a doll. God performed a miracle for my Sister-in-Law and gave her this miracle child. She's brought such joy to their family! 

My Shakeology of choice today was GREENBERRY!!! Added Banana, Pineapple and Strawberry! DELISH! 

Aaaaaaaaaand this evening after gym-time, I received a EARLY CHRISTMAS GIFT! Joseph gave me the Garmin watch I've been eyeing foreeeeeeeeeeever! 

Today My Heart Focus is on family quality time. 
The little moments. 
Lunch prep in the mornings for my loves.
Lunches at school with nieces. 
Coffee on a porch swing. 
Kitten cuddles with the niece & nephew. 
Car lines with the kiddos. 
Spending time with a sister setting up a mobile home.
Gym time with the hubby. 
And surprise gifts from my love. 
It's the little moments that make life worth living. I am ever so thankful. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 10

DAY 10! 
So I completely forgot to take a workout selfie after Pilates, so you get the picture of me with drenched hair in the car line to pick the kiddos up. Hahahah!!! 
The  Tuck Jump is still my biggest challenge in the Pilates Extreme. Maybe next week I will nail it!! 
"Forget All the Reasons Why it Won't Work and Believe the One Reason Why it Will!" -- the one reason? Because I won't give up. I am determined. 
Are you ready to believe in yourself? Please-- contact me and JOIN me in my next challenge round!! We can do this TOGETHER! 

My Heart Focus today is my Sister and Brother-in-Laws anniversary! 15 years in this day & time is quite a feat! So proud of them and I can't wait to be celebrating 15 years with Joseph. There's just something about vows and commitments, they make my heart smile.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 9

Woke up this morning to a sick little girlie... Got her medicated and feeling better and we joined Zman for thanksgiving lunch at school. <3 

I took a break from the DVD workouts today... And tomorrow? I will own it. Know when you need a rest, but DON'T let yourself turn a rest day into a rest week. Jump right back into routine. <3 

As I reflect over my day, 
My Heart is Full. 

I woke up this morning. 
I have clothes to wear. 
I have running water. 
I have food to eat. 
Life is good, regardless of my current circumstances. 
I am SO thankful. 
I am. 
And may God forgive me if ever I allow myself to lose focus of that. <3 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 8

Seriously?!?! I overslept my alarm by 2 hours. How does someone do that??? 
Easily. Use a soft sing-songy tone that doesn't jolt you awake!!! 

After work I grocery shopped ensuring me a #win for nutrition this week!!! Got some kicking crock pot recipes I'm dying to try out! **YAY***

Attended the OCR Traning class today-- did 3 rounds of the line up shown and sweated DOWN!!!! Got a good mile run in, so that's GREAT! 

Today My Heart Focus is on the leadership of my church. I have a wonderful pastoral team and several spiritual mentors that I am SO very thankful for!!! Without their leadership and guidance, life would be much more difficult than it is! Never fo get to be thankful for the little things. They're all pretty big when you think about it! 

Holiday Survival Group - Join Now!

I am determined to enjoy my Thanksgiving celebrations and NOT feel guilty about dessert! You want to know why??????

I HAVE A PLAN. Hear me out. 
You'll want to JOIN me! 

🦃&🍰=🤗 HOWEVER, Come November 30 I'm going to hit the ground running with:

👉🏻30 minute at home workouts
👉🏻easy to follow meal guide

Join ME and you'll get access to my game plan AND 

👉🏻access to my coaching, recipes, and meal plans
👉🏻no-risk plan to lose 5-10 pounds

And when Christmas comes, WE can enjoy all that festive food guilt-free too, take a few days off and 🎉ROCK NEW YEARS 🎉 with NO serious weight loss resolution because we've already gotten AHEAD of that!

I've been that person scrolling through the pictures deleting what I didn't like before anyone else had the opportunity to *gasp* share them on FaceBook. 

I used to spend all my energy at holiday get togethers dodging photos!! Don't be THAT person this holiday season. Show up in your documented family memories!!! 

Message me or comment "interested" below if you'd like some more info. 😊 Don't delay, there's only 4 spots left in the group!! 

Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 7


They are my favorite!!! 

Even though I had my alarm set for early, I snoozed one too many times to get my workout in this morning. 

Headed off to Sunday School and morning worship, followed by lunch with family! 

Brought the kiddos to a birthday party this afternoon and attended a wonderful heart-check-up church service tonight! 

Grabbed a mile run at the gym and headed home for some sweet yoga!!! 

It wasn't a "I haaaaaaaave to!" I was actually looking FORWARD to getting my yoga time in!!! 

If you want to join me, LET ME KNOW by visiting this post:

Today My Heart Focus is the source of my Joy. I am ever so thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

This morning my Sunday School lesson was about JOY. The difference between Happiness and Joy... 

Happiness comes and goes with the happenstance of life-- JOY is deep rooted in the heart and it's true source is JESUS CHRIST! Through every hardship and life, we have hope for our future. We can hold to God and the Joy He's put in our hearts! 

We are emotional creatures by design. Our emotions are all too often on a roller coaster... It never takes long for something to happen and change our emotions--- happy, sad, mad, angry, frustrated, depressed...

When we step outside of our own mentality and take on the mind of Christ, we can walk in Joy, live in Joy... And honestly make it a lifestyle. Is it easy? No. Impossible? No. Not with Jesus. He can bring everlasting joy to anyone's life. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 6

Man what a day! 
Spent the morning preparing for Zayne's Birthday Party and just acting silly with my kiddos--- sometimes you have to SLOW DOWN in life! :) 

I got my run & workout in after 8pm -- late, but it's done! Worked with the 8 & 15 weights --- and the Lunge Row Curl move was ROUGH! Could be that I was tired, but *whew*!!! 
No excuses, do it anyway! 
It's that simple. 
Press play. 

Want to join me??? Visit the post "Heart of Thanks" for more information! ((

Because it's his birthday, My Heart Focus today has been on Zayne! 

I am thankful for 6 years with my sweet, loving Zayne. He's my sweetheart little boy who loves to show his love for life. If he says it once, he will say it a million times- He loves you! He's tender hearted and hot headed rolled into one dynamite package. He keeps me guessing at everything, and reminds me over and over again just how wonderful it is to be a mom.

Time absolutely FLIES. 
I'm thankful he's "carrying on" the Williamson name. He's a "namesake" for great men... Zayne (his PawPaw! form of John, "God is gracious, merciful"), Joseph (his Daddy, "God will Increase"), and Lee (his Daddy, PaPa Eddy Lee Williamson, Jr & great-pawpaw the late Mr. Eddy Lee Williamson, Sr.). 
This little mixture of just about everyone in our family has brought us so much Joy. God is truly gracious and merciful to give us such a bright, smiling little man! He's so loving and tells me "Mama, I love You!" at LEAST 20 times a day--- and I love it. He's growing to be such a fine young man, and I know as he grows, God will increase him spiritually as he grows into the ministry God has destined him for. He's my little man of God!

It was today, 6 years ago at 2:30am the Doctor rushed into my "observation" room and woke me and Joseph from a dead sleep to let us know we were heading to the Operating Room for an emergency C-Section to have Zayne - immediately. 
My BP had shot up in my sleep to a dangerously high number, putting both the life of my baby boy and myself at risk.
Zayne was born at exactly 3:34am this cold morning 3 years ago.
Today I am thankful for all the healthcare providers who fight so diligently to care for those in need. I'm thankful for the sacrifices of nurses, doctors and surgeons, who don't see it as a "job" but as mission, to be a help, to save lives... To make a difference. 
As Christians, let us never take for granted the "job" we were placed here to do. We must see this as the mission it is, to reach this dying world. 
Have a Beautiful Day!!  

Friday, November 13, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 5

My Heart is HEAVY tonight!!! 

I woke up hopping--- making preparations for Zayne's small birthday party tomorrow, and getting ready for my RUN with a friend!! 

Got my workout done before 8! YAY!! 

The day was fun and exciting, I got in a 2.5mi run with a friend, followed immediately by a 4 miler on the treadmill and a two hour break to go get the kids from school and another 3.5 miles to wrap up my 10 mile day! :) 
I seriously SWEATED DOWN 4 times today! *YAY!* 

Then came the news. 


My Heart Focus Tonight

How my heart aches...! 

I am so thankful for the safety of my family, but my heart cries for those effected by the events in Paris. 

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5
1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

#ThanksInNovember #TheLittleThings #PrayForParis #TheWordIsAlive #SpeakPeace #GodIsPerfectPeace

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 4

~*Day 4*~
I delayed my workout.  
Like, by 30 minutes. I felt myself slipping into old habits... So I got up, and jumped into my workout. Possibly with tears in my eyes, but I got it done!!!!  
Biggest challenge today? LUNGE KICKS! 

I'm committed. 
Not just interested. 
I will see this through. 

Had Pumpkin Spice Shakeology *yum!* and a mile run in today!!! 

I can't wait to see the results of this round. 

Want to join me???? See post HEART OF THANKS for more details! (

I'm going to be transparent with you today. 

I just finished my workout, but I've got something real heavy on my mind. 

I'm sure you've seen my posts about "battling past depression", but today, I want to get a little real with you. 

I learned yesterday a young man took his life... He was twelve. This breaks my heart. 

My life story is full of laughter and animation (my parents can attest to that!) but I want to share with you briefly a few not-so-happy recollections I have of my past. 

I faced some mental hardships at 17. Was it anything in particular that triggered this turmoil? No, not really. I was just severely unhappy with myself. There were days I would hardly eat, and days I would eat all day long. I didn't have any real friends to connect to and I felt isolated and alone. This time period didn't last too terribly long, but the heart pains and dark depressive thoughts that attacked me made it seem like forever. 

It was during this time that I received some of the absolute best advice I could have heard. "Pam, be yourself. Be exactly who YOU are. You don't need anyone but Jesus. Maintain your relationship with your savior, let Him lead your decisions, friendships, and heart." 

Was I alone? Sure, physically I didn't have friends surrounding me, but my heart was full. I spent more time reading the Word of God, praying, fasting... My days was spent with school, work and shut up in my bedroom with my Bible. 

I lost an Aunt to suicide that December. It really shook me, because similar thoughts had haunted me just three months before-- but I had tapped into strength to ground me. Something no one could take away. My relationship with Jesus mattered far more than what I perceived others were thinking of me. 

It was just 2 months later, I met Joseph. I wasn't looking for him, nor did I want a relationship. But I had been praying and fasting God lead my life-- and as "they" say, I guess "the rest is history". 
God brought me through such a trying time to a season of joy and laughter -- and I only found it by drawing near to Him. 

Regardless of who agrees with me or not, I know that JESUS is the answer for "the world" today. But how do you change "the world"??? 
How do you change "one person"? 
Be the example. Dive into The Word of God. Allow God to direct YOU -- and in turn, you can lead with passion & purpose. Love God & Love People. 

Be the One. 
Make an impact. 
Reach to those around you. You NEVER know what people, kids, children are going through. 
Be the Light. 
Illuminate the dark.

My Heart Focus Today: 
I am thankful for the Love of God. I cannot say it enough. There's nothing like it. He reaches to us where we are, regardless of where we are in our lives. He brings hope and love. He has fashioned us for a purpose! Before we were formed in the womb He fashioned us for a purpose in this life. We are HIS children! I cannot thank Him enough for keeping His hand over my life!! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 3

This morning was a lot like yesterday-- I AM WAKING UP SORE! Seriously! Like, all over, SORE! It's a WONDERFUL feeling of PROGRESS and CHANGE! It's Day "3" and I'm currently down 4 pounds! *YAY!*

I was able to work out a few kinks with the "lengthening and strengthening" moves of Pilates... Today, I struggled with the fire hydrants! Phewwwwww! Talk about BURN! 

My Simple Combine & Shake recipe for Shakeology was delicious this morning! 8oz Coffee, 1 Scoop Shakeo, 1/2 cup crushed ice. Shake and drink!!! 🎉🎉

I realize the choice to change is one you have to make every day you wake up. Having people you're accountable to helps, on the real. IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!! 

I had surprise visitors this morning so I postponed my run to this evening! ((SEE ABOVE!)) 

The thought crossed my mind that it wasn't really 100% necessity that I run tonight... And I thought about the 8 days prior to this moment and realized I just really didn't want to waste a start to a running streak - AGAIN! 

Something exciting for my chirrin' today--- their School Veteran's Day Breakfast! ((Naomi and Zayne were completely thrilled that they were able to eat breakfast with their grandfathers. Absolutely nothing like PawPaws and PaPas!!!)) 

Speaking of Veterans..... 

Today My Heart Focus is on Our Veterans.

I am so very thankful for all Veterans... past, present, and future. Some gave their freedom to preserve ours, while some gave their life. The sacrafices made by our service men & women are above and beyond the call of duty, and without their willingness to serve, our country would not be what it is today. Its a rarity, that we can have freedom to choose where we worship, who we worship, what to say... the little things we take for granted can be traced back to the sacrifices made first on the cross, by Jesus Christ and also by a veteran. 

"The task before you is never greater than the POWER behind you." 

The love of your family, the appreciation and prayers of your country, and the mighty hand of the Lord are with you!
(Ephesians 6:10)

Lord, thank you for the men and women who serve to protect your people so selflessly!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day 2

Day TWO! 
SERIOUSLY?? So. Not even kidding. Today my mindset has been "Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you." When my alarm went off this morning I didn't feel bouncy! I finally got the kiddos up and on the bus and I grabbed my E&E, drank it down and laid back down for 15 minutes. 😂🙈 I NEEDED those 15 minutes!!!
I realized my commitment to myself is just as important as those to other people -- why are we so quick to let ourselves down?? I had committed to pressing play by 7:30 for 21 days. Just 21 days -- and I'm JUST on day 2!! 🤗 
I pressed play at 7:30. I won the battle against the army of excuses that was so ready to fight my goals. 
Oh Achey Shoulder!!! 💪🏻 Flys and Military Press was a little challenging with a tender rotator cuff-- but it's DONE! 
Chased my fix with a mile run and GREENBERRY Shakeology! 🎉 
Have you committed to making a change, and burn out before the week is up? #stopgivinguponyourself 

Visit the post "Heart of Thanks Challenge" ( if you're tired of failing and want an accountability partner. Together, we can do this!!! 

My Heart Focus today is my husband, Joseph Williamson. This man never ceases to amaze me. Just a short few years ago I was weighted in depression and severe self-"hate", so much so that it affected our relationship adversely. 

Joseph began his journey to obtain a healthier lifestyle in 2012, and his dedication and drive was INSANE... I was proud of him, but deep down inside... 

...I felt like he was leaving me behind- and I was sinking deeper! But something clicked in me--- He believed in me, encouraged me, and I decided to try! 

His "encouragement" sometimes came across my defensive ears as criticism, but I knew deep down, it was his way of trying to lift my spirits and keep me engaged and motivated! Lots of prayers and tears... God was transforming me from the inside out. 

He spoke hope, faith and a deep love into my heart. He taught me to love myself, just as I am. Just as He loves the sinner and hates the sin, I had to learn to love myself and just hate the poor nutrition and "lazy" lifestyle I had accepted as "normal". 😁

It's not easy. We've had our ups and downs, and the journey of being IN LOVE and maintaining a healthier lifestyle is a constant decision you have to make every morning you wake up-- but it's worth it. ❤️ 

I love my husband ever so much. He is my rock, my biggest support, my love and my BEST FRIEND. 🎉

Monday, November 9, 2015

Heart of Thanks: Day One!


I've committed to pressing play by 7:30 everyday for a strict round of exercising at least 30 minutes AND keeping my nutrition clean! 

I am excited to see where the next 21 days take me! *I will be sharing my results!* I've weighed, have "start" pictures and measurements. 

Had the best Starbucks Shakeology to kick start my day! ☕️ 

Do YOU want to lose 5-15lbs before Thanksgiving???? 

START NOW! It's guaranteed success if you just commit to the process! 😁😘 

My Heart's Focus today is my parents... John & Juanita Whittington. 

My Dad is the absolute greatest daddy I could have ever hoped for. I shadowed him as a child, always wanting to be by Daddy's side- from under the greasy hood of rusty trucks to the woods scouting for squirrels or deer... 
He raised me to know right from wrong and established a biblical foundation in our home. He's been my hero and friend for as long as I can remember-- and he always will be. 

I am also equally as thankful for my beautiful, creative, strong, courageous, wonderful mama. She's a tower of strength and a warm heart to cry with. She's rooted deep and as beautiful as a rose. She's the epitome of love and did an excellent job raising 3 kids so close in age. She loves us each with all her heart and knew exactly how to make all 3 of us girls feel important and special. 
Today I am simply grateful for her friendship. For her patience and trust during my teen years, for her counsel during my daring year (singular!!) and for her constant prayer and support during my struggles. For accepting my husband a her own son before we were ever engaged and for loving us -- unconditionally. 

My heart is full. I am pressing on!! 

If you want to join me on my journey, please visit the previous blog:

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Overcoming FEAR

Too often we allow ourselves to be consumed with fear. Fear of people. Fear of opinions. Fear of unacceptance. Fear of failure. Some people even fear SUCCESS and SELF-Sabotage! I'm declaring today that I refuse to let fear of failure consume me. Not just in my quest for a healthy lifestyle. In my destiny, my life's call... 
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7, NLT) 
SELF-DISCIPLINE! POWER! LOVE! These are the things God has given us!!! Power to overcome fear. Love that can heal all wounds. The heart wounds of the feeling of inadequacy. Too often we bow down to fear and just let things remain as they have always been. Not any more. I am me. Im releasing those fears that's held me hostage. I'm free to be me. I have goals! 
Remember Philippians 4:13-- I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens ME! YOU! Everyone!! 
Just gotta put your faith into action. ❤️❤️❤️❤️